<cffunction name="onIncomingMessage" output="false" access="public" returntype="void" hint="Generic Method that will execute any method on the Service Factory - Struct: beanname (coldspring Bean to call), methodname (method to call on cs bean), argumentcollection (data passed as argument collection to the method)">
<cfargument name="CFEvent" type="struct" required="yes">
<cfset var data = arguments.CFEvent.data/>
<cfset var errorMessage = ''/>
<cfif not structkeyexists(data,"args")>
<cfset data.args = StructNew()>
args: argumentcollection
<cfinvoke component="#application.serviceFactory.getBean(data.beanname)#"
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfset errorMessage = cfcatch.Message/>
<cfif structkeyexists(data.args,"debug")>
<cflog application="true" file="cfmlgateway" text="CF Gateway Called: bean: #data.beanname# method: #data.methodname# data: #structKeylist(data.args)# #errorMessage#">
<cfreturn />
There is also a 'server.init.cfm' feature that sets up this gateway through the ColdFusion Admin API and makes sure that it exists in the server that's running your application - and any changes to the gateway it will determine and recreate it when needed. The gateway is a CFML gateway and is given a name that uniquely identifies it (just like a DSN). Note: You must call the login method of the cfide.adminapi.administrator before you are allowed access to do this.
<cfset Local.gatewaypath = expandpath('.') & '\model\gateway\GatewayService.cfc'/>
<cfset Local.eventGateway = createObject( "component", "cfide.adminapi.eventgateway")/>
<cfset Local.gatewayFound = false/>
<!--- query the gateway Instances to find a match and if not create it --->
<cfset Local.tmpArray = Local.eventGateway.getGatewayInstances()/>
<cfloop from="1" to="#arraylen(Local.tmpArray)#" index="Local.i">
<cfif Local.tmpArray[Local.i].gatewayid eq 'mygatewayname'>
<cfset Local.gatewayFound = true/>
<!--- check and see if the cfcpath is the same- if not delete it and recreate it --->
<cfif Local.tmpArray[Local.i].cfcpaths[1] neq Local.gatewaypath>
<cfset Local.eventGateway.deleteGatewayInstance(Local.tmpArray[Local.i].gatewayid)>
<cfset Local.gatewayFound = false/>
<cfif not Local.gatewayFound>
<!--- Create gateway instance --->
<cfset Local.tmpArray = ArrayNew(1) />
<cfset Local.tmpArray[1] = Local.gatewaypath/>
<cfset Local.eventGateway.setGatewayInstance('mygatewayname','CFML',Local.tmpArray,'','auto') />
<cfset Local.eventGateway.startGatewayService() />
<cfset Local.eventGateway.startGatewayInstance('mygatewayname') />
<cflog log="Application" text="Gateway mygatewayname Created" type="information"/>
There is also a 'gatewaymanager.cfc' that simply is the API to all your gateway service calls, in which you can add on other things like debugging and error handling etc if needed.
<cffunction name="sendMessage" output="false" access="public" returntype="boolean" hint="Returns true of false if the message was successfully sent to the gateway">
<cfargument name="beanname" type="string" required="true"/>
<cfargument name="methodname" type="string" required="true"/>
<cfargument name="args" type="struct" required="false" default="#StructNew()#"/>
<cfset var boolReturn = SendGatewayMessage('mygatewayname',arguments)>
<cfreturn boolReturn />
With great power come great responsibility - please use wisely!
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