Features Include:
For ease of Flex Integration, CFProperty tags are needed to have your methods available to ActionScript classes. Also complex webservices need this metadata defined for them. With existing components already created, having to go back in and add in all these cfproperty tags for all your 'accessors' is a pain. How about just right clicking -> 'Inspect CFC' and be done with it?? Best used if components exist under your webroot.
- Searching subdirectories
- Alpha sorting properties
- Wverwriting/keeping existing properties
- Lower case properties
- Exclusion of Methods (i.e getInstance, getBinaryNull etc)
Version 2 of this application will include the following:
- Backups of cfc's before modification
- Fine Tune properties before wizard completes
- Mapping support if your components are not located under your webroot.
ColdFusion 8+
ColdFusion Builder (Beta 2+) Build: 240677
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Final Result!
Does this actually require CF 8 or can we get away with using CF 7.
Also, will this extension handle ALL of the attributes on cfinvokes?
So basically we have lots of these:
cfinvoke method="addproperty" name="titleClass" attributeClass="string" label="Form Field Class" minOccurances="0" maxoccurances="1" default="" hint="Class value for 'Title' form field." size="80" maxlength="255"
and we need it to become this:
cfproperty name="titleClass" attributeClass="string" label="Form Field Class" minOccurances="0" maxoccurances="1" default="" hint="Class value for 'Title' form field." size="80" maxlength="255"
Will your extension do this?
@Jeff -
No unfortunately the extension requires cf 8 as I'm using getComponentMetaData.
However, I do have a web version that would support cf7, as I'm actually invoking the component at the time of introspection -
That's an idea for an addition, to default the extension to only create cfproperties for 'accessor' methods (getter methods), but have the option to 'uncheck' that and creat it for all properties in the component - (would you still want to exclude anything with 'set'X in it? I'd assume do)
This wasn't designed to put all the arguments of a method into a cfproperty tag - but I could also see another checkbox type option to generate this (defaulted to OFF).
Great thoughts - I'll have to note it for 1.2 version perhaps.
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