Friday, November 20, 2009

Mpls CFUG - Active MQ, Cluster Messaging, Topics and

I'll be presenting at the Minneapolis / St. Paul ColdFusion User Group again in December on Active MQ, Topics, Queues and Cluster Messaging for those interested. I'd love to pack the room before Christmas and show off all the exciting things Apache's Active MQ messaging can do with your ColdFusion applications, especially as it relates to cluster messaging. I'll be doing live demo's and code shows, as well as discussing how our company has used these techniques to help us address things like cache updating/invalidating, message driven events, maintenance queues, workflow etc.

Visit the website for more details but hope to see you out December 2, 1009, in the mean time, check out my new keyboard!

Updated: Download the code samples and presentation (+code) (requires activemq and blazeds deployed on tomcat as separate downloads) OR download the Entire thing with blazeDS, tomcat, amq and code in one large 200MB file

New Bluetooth Keyboard

I broke down and got one of the new Logitech deNovo Edge Keyboards from Amazon this week. I'm just breaking it in but so far it's very sweet. The sleek lazer cut plexiglass and brushed aluminum frame is very 'edgy', and at 11 mm thick, you'll feel like your on a laptop even when docked. It's even got a little touchpad so you can throw your mouse out if you want (but I wouldn't recommend that as the left/right click buttons are not large enough to make it full time usable). It will be perfect for the home theater remote keyboard when you have a PC hooked up to your system.

As you could tell from a prior post, I was wearing the 'C' letter out on my last keyboard, and having a quieter keyboard with cool functionality was something I was definitely interested in.
If you're out shopping this Black Friday, maybe you'll get lucky and see one on sale, but Amazon has it for a discount right now.
Happy coding - !